Our Philposphy
New Zealand/ Aotearoa is home to a melting pot of nationalities. Here at KiwiEd. we celebrate the connection between multinational cultures that bring a vibrance of culture and values to our country, with our traditional kiwi heritage, rich in connection with the land, our people and te Tiriti o Waitangi.
KiwiEd. fosters the important relationships between languages, culture and education, specifically, learning from home. Play based learning is woven through our education programme guided by Te Whāriki, the New Zealand Early Childhood Curriculum. We encourage the use of multiple verbal and written languages and link cultures together through pre-planned and organically occurring activities.
Children are celebrated as individuals, learning in their own way at their own pace, supported by a community of loving caregivers and childcare professionals.
In a modern world where parents need flexible childcare or want smaller child to adult ratios, we embrace learning from home and the opportunities it offers our youngest kiwis.